Sunday, March 15, 2020
Duncan Regehr Appearing at 2020 Las Vegas Star Trek Convention
Duncan Regehr has joined Creation Entertainment's guest list for the STAR TREK Celebration in Las Vegas. The event runs from August 5-9, 2020. Duncan will be appearing 3 of the days! (TBD)
ZORRO ~ The Daring Escapades
Zorro ~ The Daring Escapades ~ |
***COMING, MAY 1, 2020***
ZORRO: The Daring Escapades
Zorro returns in 16 all-new thrilling adventures from multiple authors, based on the legendary character created by Johnston McCulley, including ... Action ... Adventure ... Comedy ... Romance ... Horror ... Swashbuckling. Exciting stories influenced by McCulley, interpretations of the Walt Disney television series, the New World television series, and other dramatic new ideas. Edited by Daryl McCullough and Audrey Parente.
Story lineup:
"Zorro: Death of a Grandee" by John French
"EspaƱa Nueva — Ano 1620" by Richard Lupoff
"The Fox and Hound" by Joseph Joe Lovece
"Zorro’s “Z” Lesson for a Little Girl" by Francisco Silva
"Zorro’s Showdown in El Camino Real" by Francisco Silva
"Zorro Under Fire" by Linda Bindner
"Zorro and the Gypsy Gold” by Susan Kite
"Sins of the Past" by Diana Barkley
"The Cat and the Fox" by Bret Bouriseau
"Zorro: Stranger Than Fiction" by Daryl McCullough
"Jewels for The King" by Mari K. Ross
"Brand of El Lobo" by Robert Scott Cranford
"Zorro’s Quest for Justice" by Eugene Craig
"Zorro’s Midnight Mission" by Will Murray
"The Scourge of Capistrano" by William Patrick Maynard
"Of a Rebellious Nature" by Pamela Elbert Poland
Cover by Daniel Horne
Illustrated by Francisco Silva, Bret Bouriseau, Phil Latter, Aleena Valentine, Stuart Hopen, Perego, and Sara Light-Waller.
Introductions: "Quest for McCulley's Zorro" by Lee Weinstein; "Editors' Notes" by Daryl McCullough and Audrey Parente; and "Zorro to Batman" by Michael Uslan
Order ZORRO ~ The Daring Escapades today.
*Photos of authors and artists.
ZORRO: The Daring Escapades
Zorro returns in 16 all-new thrilling adventures from multiple authors, based on the legendary character created by Johnston McCulley, including ... Action ... Adventure ... Comedy ... Romance ... Horror ... Swashbuckling. Exciting stories influenced by McCulley, interpretations of the Walt Disney television series, the New World television series, and other dramatic new ideas. Edited by Daryl McCullough and Audrey Parente.
Story lineup:
"Zorro: Death of a Grandee" by John French
"EspaƱa Nueva — Ano 1620" by Richard Lupoff
"The Fox and Hound" by Joseph Joe Lovece
"Zorro’s “Z” Lesson for a Little Girl" by Francisco Silva
"Zorro’s Showdown in El Camino Real" by Francisco Silva
"Zorro Under Fire" by Linda Bindner
"Zorro and the Gypsy Gold” by Susan Kite
"Sins of the Past" by Diana Barkley
"The Cat and the Fox" by Bret Bouriseau
"Zorro: Stranger Than Fiction" by Daryl McCullough
"Jewels for The King" by Mari K. Ross
"Brand of El Lobo" by Robert Scott Cranford
"Zorro’s Quest for Justice" by Eugene Craig
"Zorro’s Midnight Mission" by Will Murray
"The Scourge of Capistrano" by William Patrick Maynard
"Of a Rebellious Nature" by Pamela Elbert Poland
Cover by Daniel Horne
Illustrated by Francisco Silva, Bret Bouriseau, Phil Latter, Aleena Valentine, Stuart Hopen, Perego, and Sara Light-Waller.
Introductions: "Quest for McCulley's Zorro" by Lee Weinstein; "Editors' Notes" by Daryl McCullough and Audrey Parente; and "Zorro to Batman" by Michael Uslan
Order ZORRO ~ The Daring Escapades today.
*Photos of authors and artists.