Saturday, December 19, 2015

M7 Con 2015 Alex Kruz Appears As Zorro

The M7 Con western convention held October 23-25 in Los Angeles, California featured a segment on the history of Zorro in film and television. The presentation focused on the great Zorro actors including Douglas Fairbanks, Tyrone Power, Guy Williams, and Duncan Regehr. Though other Zorro actors and their productions were also discussed.
Near the end of the program the audience was treated to a special performance as Maestro Ramon Martinez and actor Alex Kruz gave a live demonstration of the Spanish style of fencing known as La Verdadera Destreza. The two dueled as Zorro and the Comandante much to the delight of the crowd. Those in attendance were thrilled to learn that SeƱor Martinez, the world's foremost expert on Destreza, and his fencing student Alex Kruz, a real life Zorro-like humanitarian, would be giving a full presentation and demonstration later that day.

For more than three centuries Destreza was the most feared fencing style in the world and as a Spaniard Zorro would have been well versed in this form of sword fighting. Unlike fencing today, which is linear, Destreza is rooted in geometry and employs the use of the circle to solve and overcome the efforts of opponents.

Circling his adversary Alex expertly displays how Zorro, the world's greatest fictional swashbuckler, employs Destreza to defeat his foe in a swordfight.

Here Zorro (Alex Kruz) uses his cape to cover his opponent thus blocking his ability to see and making him vulnerable to an attack.
Alex Kruz practices before the M7 Con western convention begins.
It was an honor to have Maestro Ramon Martinez and Zorro Alex Kruz participate in The history of Zorro presentation. Stay tuned... perhaps one day Alex will don the mask and cape in a television series or movie.

1 comment:

  1. The presentation by Daryl McCullough was an absolute MUST for any Zorro fan. His knowledge and insight about all things Zorro has no match. The fencing exhibition by Maestro Martinez and Alex Kruz was breathtaking~
