Saturday, September 7, 2019

ZORRO 100 Year Anniversary Trading Cards.

RRParksCARDS and American Mythology is publishing "The 100th Anniversary of Zorro" trading card series. To support this project visit their website.

The Card series includes:
- A 180 card set broken up into numerous subsets covering a visual history of Zorro from his beginnings in Argosy Magazine through the silent film era, the 1930s/1940s movies and serials, 1950s TV show and the more recent movies as well as the comic books of the 1950s on up through American Mythology's current Zorro Comic Book series. These 180 cards also feature 18 different newly created Anaglyph 3D cards by the maestro of 3D: Christian LeBlanc!

For more information and to support this project visit their kickstarter page.

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