Antonio Banderas, Alain Delon, Douglas Fairbanks, Henry Darrow, Christian Meier, Fernando Lupiz, Guy Williams, Duncan Regehr, and Tyrone Power |
The 2014 Nostalgia Expo in Cincinnati, Ohio on
May 16 and 17 will feature a 1 hour presentation on all things Zorro:
Pulps, Radio Dramas, TV series, Movies, etc. There will also be a 30
minute live onstage Zorro radio drama reenactment. Catch all the history and news of the latest developments in the world of Zorro. Be sure to make your plans to be there.
For more information go to
*Pictured: Antonio Banderas, Alain Delon, Douglas Fairbanks, Henry Darrow, Christian Meier, Fernando Lupiz, Guy Williams, Duncan Regehr, and Tyrone Power.